Category Archives: Blog
Does Technology Help or Hinder Learning?
By Sandra Quinn Twenty years ago, using the internet to research educational projects for school or university was just coming to the fore and it was something people were slowly but surely adjusting to – now you have educational institutions using interactive whiteboards, online sharing forums for assignment submissions, dedicated email servers for each institution […]Continue Reading
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Embrace technology in your business
By Sandra Quinn According to research from SMB Group, 92% of small businesses in America are using one or more cloud-based solutions in their businesses. While some people may think that investing in technology is only for the big players, research has proven that embracing technology is one of the things, which can give small […]Continue Reading
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Should children be learning how to code?
By Sandra Quinn Back in 2011, CoderDojo was founded in Cork, Ireland and over the past six years, the question of how important it is for children to learn how to code has been popping up in many different academic, social and family circles. CoderDojo is a global volunteer-led community of free programming clubs for […]Continue Reading
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The Real You VS the Online You
By Sandra Quinn Social media and technology is an ever-present factor in modern day life. As of 2020, there are more than 3.8 billion social media users worldwide. For those working in the technology sector, technology in and of itself is constantly changing and evolving, but that evolution is amplified when it comes to social […]Continue Reading
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Families Stay Connected Using SmartRoamer App
By Sandra Quinn Since Filipino woman Rhea Rafols left her home country in 2009 to move to Norway, she has been separated from her family and friends by just under 10,000 kilometres – 9,977km to be exact, but thanks to the SmartRoamer app from Horizon Globex, that gap has been bridged and they communicate every […]Continue Reading
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SmartRoamer App Keeps Love Alive Across the Oceans
By Sandra Quinn Imagine meeting the love of your life while at home visiting your family and friends in the Philippines and as your new relationship is getting off the ground, imagine saying goodbye to your newfound love for a whole nine months as he goes out to sea and you go back to Norway […]Continue Reading
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Do Younger People Adapt Quicker to a Tech Workplace?
By Sandra Quinn Do younger people adapt quicker than their older counterparts to a technology rich workplace? This is an age-old question and it is something which is considered every time a new wave of technology sweeps its way across the sectors and industries. In years gone by, technology in the everyday workplace was limited […]Continue Reading
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Keeping Business Communications In-House
By Sandra Quinn Offices are now mobile in almost every sense of the word with most employers and employees sharing the same work and personal mobile number, having access to their emails while ‘off the clock’ and arranging meetings out of hours for the following week. While this means that your employees are more than […]Continue Reading
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I Just Called to Say…
By Sandra Quinn Since the first telephone was first created in 1876, phone calls have become part and parcel of everyday life and despite advancements with image and video technology, they are here to stay. Thinking back to when the telephone first came about, it was in the houses of only the most wealthy, but […]Continue Reading
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What Will 5G Mean for You?
By Sandra Quinn The newest wave of connectivity is on its way, as 5G is set to be available worldwide by the year 2020, with news this week announced by Telia that they are to start real world case uses of the 5G network in Europe as part of a project with Ericsson and Intel. […]Continue Reading
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