What advantages do digital securities have over traditional securities?

By Vanessa Malone We live in an increasingly digitized world and technology is making everything more simple, transparent, and efficient on a multitude of levels. It only makes sense that advanced technology would come around to evolve today’s capital markets and solve for inefficiencies.  While digital securities are still securities, as the SEC may have […]Continue Reading

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Why the blockchain community should rally behind the FATF’s implied new guidelines

By Vanessa Malone First, what is the upcoming FATF news everyone is talking about? The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-governmental body established in 1989 by the Ministers of its member jurisdictions. The FATF develops Recommendations with the goal of bringing about international legislative and regulatory reform to combat money laundering and terrorism financing.  […]Continue Reading

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The Ethereum-based KYC/AML investor onboarding app you’ve been looking for

By Vanessa Malone Yesterday, Horizon announced the formal launch of KYCware, an advanced KYC software solution built on the Ethereum blockchain to streamline the investor onboarding and identity verification process globally. While Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) processes already play an integral role in client onboarding for financial intermediaries, they are becoming an […]Continue Reading

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Digital Securities: Finding the Goldilocks Zone between Centralization & Decentralization

By Vanessa Malone with insights from Dr. Andrew Le Gear, CTO of Horizon What’s discussed: What is decentralization. Why compliant security tokens cannot be fully decentralized. How technology can be used to find the right balance of centralized and decentralized components for digital securities. In 2008, blockchain technology made its debut in Bitcoin’s whitepaper describing […]Continue Reading

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Ethereum 2.0 - Deus Ex Machina

By Dr. Andrew Le Gear, Chief Technology Officer of Globex I face a hostile room of academics and industry heads. I know what’s coming next — it always does. “But it doesn’t scale, does it?” How do you answer that? I googled “ethereum transactions per second” and the first article I get is “How will Ethereum Scale?” — not […]Continue Reading

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