Can Anyone be Too Young for Technology?
By Sandra Quinn Should technology come with an age limit? As technology becomes more prominent in our daily lives, this is a question many of us are bound to consider. In this blog, we have previously discussed how important it is to get older people online ( and how technology can be used as a […]Continue Reading
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Look Me in the Eye – The Rise of Facial Recognition
By Sandra Quinn Over the past week, the rise of facial recognition and how it’s being used has been dominating headlines with members of the public uncomfortable with the idea that software that they could be unaware of is being used to identify them. In America, Orlando Police are piloting facial recognition software from Amazon […]Continue Reading
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What Can I Say? How to Respond to Online Reviews
By Sandra Quinn You have no doubt come across a news story about a scathing review and some business owner’s or manager’s ‘brutal’ or witty response and perhaps wondered what the correct way to deal with online reviews really is. Not many people will bother with the effort of filling in a physical comment card […]Continue Reading
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Are You Ready for GDPR Changes?
By Sandra Quinn Over the past few weeks, your inbox has probably been inundated with emails about the new GDPR changes and how various companies will be adapting the way they do things in order to comply. “Our Terms and Conditions have changed”, “We have updated our privacy settings”, – these and other similar statements […]Continue Reading
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Globex Call Connecting Through the Generations
By Sandra Quinn Join me for a few moments – we are going to go on a journey. Sixty years ago, you had your first child and you imagined a future filled with children and grandchildren, but never imagined that a great grandchild would arrive in your lifetime. As each little bundle of joy arrived, […]Continue Reading
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Are Your Work Conversations Secure?
By Sandra Quinn In the past year, 56% of Irish businesses have banned the use of social media in the workplace. Research commissioned by Ricoh Ireland found that Facebook was banned in 47% of work environments, Twitter was not permitted in 36%, Instagram and Snapchat in 33% and WhatsApp in 30%. One argument for this […]Continue Reading
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An ‘Appy’ Way to Stay Mindful
By Sandra Quinn Just for a moment, imagine your smart phone without any apps. Bleak isn’t it? Without apps, your smart phone is suddenly not all that smart, and sometimes we don’t realise just how useful and life-enhancing these apps can be. According to figures from Statista, 197 billion apps were downloaded in 2017 and […]Continue Reading
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Technology and Business go Hand in Hand with Success
By Sandra Quinn ‘You’re stuck in the dark ages’, ‘You’re living in the past’, ‘You’ll never step into the future if you’re always looking behind you’ – these are just some of the phrases thrown at business people who fail to see the benefits of moving with the times and embracing what the future holds. […]Continue Reading
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The Best Apps to Have on your Device
By Sandra Quinn With smartphones ever evolving, in order to keep up with current trends, the best thing to arm yourself with is an impressive list of the best apps. We know it can be an exhausting and thankless job to go trawling through the seemingly endless app stores to find the best apps, so […]Continue Reading
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The Importance of Getting Older People Online
By Sandra Quinn Today’s world is getting increasingly more digital and things like sending letters, physically queueing up to get a form stamped and paying for major services in person with cash have all largely become things of the past, as businesses and Government agencies seek to streamline their operations and move towards further automation. […]Continue Reading
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