T+2 to T+1, Upstream’s global market is already at T+0 trading and settlement

Experience the Future of trading with Upstream’s T+0 Settlement Times  By Fernanda De La Torre  As of May 28, 2024, Nasdaq and other U.S. capital markets have transitioned to a T+1 settlement cycle for securities trading. 1 This means that trades of stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), corporate bonds, and other securities now settle in one […]Continue Reading

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Turning roadshows into potential dollars- dual listing strategy for issuers

By Anastasia Samaras Roadshows are a cornerstone of any successful listing. They generally take place in major cities around the world and are meant to drum up interest in an upcoming offer. However, issuers often face a gap between generating excitement and securing capital from global retail investors.  Why? Traditional processes can come with too […]Continue Reading

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